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Bandhu Dunham - Contemporary Lampworking Vol. 1 & 2

  • Bandhu Dunham - Contemporary Lampworking Vol. 1 & 2

Bandhu Dunham - Contemporary Lampworking Vol. 1 & 2


Contemporary Lampworking Vol. I & II

A Practical Guide to Shaping Glass in the Flame

Third Edition

Text and Illustrations by Bandhu Dunham
with a foreword by Ginny Ruffner & Health Info by Jeffrey Spencer, M.A, D.C

A Comprehensive Catalog of Techniques

Lampworking, also sometimes called Flameworking, is a rich, creative glassblowing tradition. The equipment is simple enough for most hobbyists to set up in their own home, yet the technique is flexible enough to suit the most demanding artist. Here is instruction in a variety of basic and advanced lampworking techniques, complete with technical background data, made easy to understand.

Contemporary Lampworking has been used as a text and recommended by lampworking instructors across the U.S. and abroad. Widely praised, it has become the "bible" in its field. Revisions in the third edition reflect the astonishing growth of lampworking. Listings for suppliers, schools and other contacts have been thoroughly updated. Recent works by many artists have been added throughout the text and in two full color "Gallery Sections" now expanded to showcase nearly a hundred artists.

Presented in two conveniently organized volumes, with larger pages and an improved binding, Contemporary Lampworking has truly become the encyclopedia of flameworking technique. Those who own a previous edition will want this updated version. Future changes and growth in the field will be documented in additional volumes, building on the foundation of this two-volume set.

Over 100 pages of new material includes additional techniques for jewelry, marbles, beads, paperweights, vessels, goblets, neon plasma sculpture, millefiore canes, lathe working, core-forming and combinations of lampwork with other glass techniques. Health and safety information has been newly updated to reflect recent NIOSH research. Chapters on the history of lampworking and the general properties of glass have been greatly expanded, enriching your historical and conceptual appreciation for this highly addictive craft.

Volumes 1 and 2 are only sold together as a set.

The Origins of Lampworking; Understanding Glass; Setting Up a Lampworking Studio; Basic Solid Techniques; Basic Hollow Techniques; Beads and Such; Marbles, Paperweights and Related Forms; Annealing; Health and Safety for Lampworkers; Solid Sculptural Techniques; Hollow Sculptural Techniques; Working With Color; Core-Forming; Basic Lathe Techniques; Crossover and Mixed Media; Thoughts on the State of Lampworking; Glossary; Further Study; Suppliers; Technical Information; Preventing Stiffness and Pain in the Lampworker; Teaching Studio Recommendations; Mixing Colored Borosilicate Glass; Chemical Hazards; Photographing Your Work; Packing and Shipping, Glossary, Index.


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