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Party With Sherb

In the gray months of mid-New England winter, things can start to feel pretty bland. Sometimes you’ve gotta put on some actual pants, get out of the house, and do something bright and fun to change it up. That’s where your good buddy Sherb comes in.... because he’s always down to party.


On Saturday, January 26th, Sherb came through with the full power of his pencil collection (and so much more). The party kicked off in the shop at 4pm with giveaways and a stash and dash. He gave away swag and, of course, pencils… both wooden and borosilicate.


Around 6pm, we opened up the register and the pencils started to fly. One of Sherbs many talents is his ability to connect with his fans. In talking with you, he gets your ideal price point and a snapshot of your personality and essentially custom fits you with the perfect pencil. Whether it be something affordable to match your set or something on the higher end like one of his collabs with Darby, Hickory, Jerry Kelly, Art By Moge, Martha Proctor, Natey Love, or Masataka Joei… he has the perfect thing for you.

With any Stoked event there HAS to be perfect food to go along with the event.., and what better food is there to crush on a cold January day than a bowl hot chili? Sweet Baby Haze hit another culinary home run with two variants of the classic belly warmer; meat and vegan. Just as Sherb likes to make sure there’s a pencil for everyone, it was important that there be food for everyone too.

All in all it was another great party with Sherb. He brought color, brightness, and fun to Connecticut at a time of year when it’s otherwise gray, dark, and dreary. Another big event that day was that Charlie had to leave the event halfway through… but it was for a pretty awesome reason. His baby daughter was born.

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