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Chaka - Dotstack Stardust Marble 1

Diameter: 36.7mm

Chaka - Dotstack Stardust Marble 2

Diameter: 35.7mm

Chaka x Scolari - Penguin w/ Peli

This 10mm Stupid Little Penguin rig by Chaka and Scolari is made using Scolari's plaid tech, with a large opal sphere floating in a cold worked Blizzard tech dome. Height - 4.25" Base Width - 3.5" Joint Size - 10mm Joint Angle - 45 degree Percolator - 2 hole *Includes Pelican Case

Chaka - Blue Stardust & Ghost Blizzard Top Marble

This Slurper marble by Chaka is backed in Blue Stardust and Ghost and packed with Blizzard tech. Diameter - 24mm

Retti For Winter: 25mm Evan Shore x Chaka Banger

This 25mm banger by Evan Shore and Chaka is engraved with Chaka's Blizzard imagery.

Retti For Winter: Chaka - Ice Cave Tube

This 10mm mini tube by Chaka is made in his sculpted Ice Cave Tech, with three ice crystals centering a faceted Blizzard Tech marble. Height - 6.5" Base Width - 2.5" Joint Size - 10mm Joint Angle - 45 degree Percolator - Removable 2 hole Recommended Pelican - 1150

Retti For Winter: Blue Soldier x Chaka - Retti Ice Cave Tube

This 10mm mini tube by Chaka and Blue Soldier is made in his sculpted Ice Cave Tech with a stunning mesh of Blue Soldier's white retti. This tube features three ice crystals centering a faceted Blizzard Tech marble. Height - 6.5" Base Width - 2.5" Joint Size - 10mm Joint Angle - 45 degree Percolator - Removable 2 hole Recommended...

Retti For Winter: Blue Soldier x Chaka - Retti Penguin

This Stupid Little Penguin rig by Chaka and Blue Soldier is made in Chaka's iconic penguin style with Blue Soldier white retti throughout. Height - 5.5" Base Width - 4" Joint Size - 10mm Joint Angle - 45 degree Percolator - 2 hole Recommended Pelican - 1200  

Retti For Winter: Chaka x Blue Solider - Blizzard Slurper Marble 2

This Slurper marble by Chaka and Blue Soldier features Blue Soldier's whiteout milli with a lens of Blizzard tech.  

Retti For Winter: Chaka - Faceted Blizzard Slurper Plug

This slurper plug by Chaka features his blizzard tech through a faceted lens. This plug will fit 20mm Slurper type bangers

Retti For Winter: Chaka x Zach Brown - Blizzard Slurper Plug

This slurper plug by Zach Brown and Chaka is made in Zach's No Seal No Sale style using Chaka's Blizzard tech. This cap fits all 20mm slurper style bangers

Retti For Winter: Chaka x Black T - White Satin 18mm Slide

This 18mm flower slide by Chaka and Black T is made in UV reactive White Satin with a ring of Chaka's Blizzard tech around the middle and a Blizzard cab opposite the spiral horn handle. This slide features a blown-in four hole slide. Joint Size - 18mm

Retti For Winter: Chaka x Alex S - Ice Cave Baller Jar 2

This Baller Jar collab with Chaka is made in Blue Stardust, sculpted with Chaka's Ice Cave tech, and features an opal encased in the bottom.

Retti For Winter: Blue Soldier - Dichro Storm Marble

This winter storm marble by Blue Soldier is made with his whiteout milli surrounded with a dichro swirl within the lens and a UV reactive backing Diameter - 35mm

Stoked Presents: Chaka & Blue Soldier's "Retti For Winter"

Stoked Presents:  Chaka & Blue Soldier's "Retti For Winter" @chakaglass & @bluesoldierart Saturday, December105th 2022 21+ Preview 5:30PM / Buying 6PM / After Party 7PM VIP DETAILS: Ticket Cost: $50 VIP Ticket Includes: 100% of your ticket cost will be applied to any show purchase Private Instagram Account and VIP Catalog Access Ticket holders will have the opportunity to attend...

Chaka x John W x Stephen Boehme x Windstar - Smoke Shop Of The Year Demo Piece

Made at Stoked Studios, this four way demo collab features work from John W, Stephen Boehme, Windstar and Chaka, and was made during our Glass Vegas Smoke Shop of the Year event. A hand drawn field of mountains by Windstar adorned with huge chips of Boehme and Chaka's milli and showcasing Chaka's sculpted lake ice tech on the mouthpiece and...

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