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2 Articolo

Estate Sale

Purdy - Sunset Rotax

This 10mm recycler by Purdy is made in transparent green and blue for the foot, the top of the can, the uptakes, the joint, the wishbone, the mouthpiece and backing both marbles. This rig features Purdy's sunset fade for the neck, both recycler discs, the joint, the drain, the downstem, the can and the booty. This piece has four sunset...

T.K. Happa x Brian Jacobson - Korosuke Recycler

This 14mm Korosuke recycler by T.K. Happa and Brian Jacobson is made in CFL shifty Paralax, with Brian's rainbow filla sections on the can, joint and mouthpiece. Height - 7" Base Width - 3" Joint Size - 14mm Joint Angle - 90 degree Percolator - angled 3 hole Includes protective case.

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